- “How Celebrating Family Feast Days Can Foster Joy.” Wallflower (13 January 2025). Originally published in Radiant magazine.
- With LuElla D’Amico, “Generation Beta beats: the ultimate labor playlist for moms-to-be.” The Arena blog at Current (16 January 2025).
“Seasons of Motherhood and the Power of Flexibility.” Public Discourse. (8 January 2025).
- “When Kids Work the Neighborhood, Everyone Benefits.’” Institute for Family Studies blog (6 January 2025).
- “Reads of the year for the HIP (Harried Intellectual Parent): 2024.” The Arena blog at Current (26 December 2024).
- “Ebenezer Scrooge and the shanty band.” The Arena blog at Current (24 December 2024).
- “Handshakes.” Hearth & Field no. 2 (Fall 2024): 161-167.
- “Review: The Catholic Kids’ Cookbook.” Current (26 November 2024).
- “Book gifts for kids this Christmas season.” The Arena blog at Current (21 November 2024).
- “Prickly Porcupine on Natural Law: A Review of David Lyle Jeffrey’s Tales From Limerick Forest.” Front Porch Republic (10 September 2024).
- “Review: A Manual for Homeschooling.” Current (29 August 2024).
- “Gift Guide: What to Give Homeschooling Parents Whose Preschoolers Are Causing Mayhem.” The Arena blog at Current (29 August 2024).
- “Rethinking American Girlhood Through Relatable Girls’ Fiction.” Orange Blossom Ordinary (22 August 2024).
- “How to Find Your Family Prayer Style.” Radiant (29 July 2024).
- “A Homeschooling Parent’s Dilemma: Do I Stay On My Computer or off of It?” The Arena blog at Current (12 July 2024).
- “Leaving Screens Behind: A Review of ‘The Opt-Out Family.’” Institute for Family Studies blog (8 July 2024).
- “This Summer: Low in Cost, High in Fun.” The Arena blog at Current (14 June 2024).
- “Free-Range Kids and the Parental Compass.” Public Discourse (22 May 2024).
- “Hand-Cranked Ice Cream Against Despair.” Front Porch Republic (22 May 2024).
- “There’s No Better Way to Spend Mother’s Day.” Radiant (9 May 2024).
- “A Last-Minute Graduation Gift Guide.” The Arena blog at Current (9 May 2024).
- “5 Questions With Family Studies: Catherine Ruth Pakaluk on Why Some Women Choose to Have Large Families.” Institute for Family Studies blog (8 May 2024).
- “Rekindle Joy Throughout the Year with Family Feast Days.” Radiant (22 April 2024).
- “The Introvert’s Guide to Tech Resistance.” Verily (17 April 2024).
- “Review: Permanence, Memoir, and Memory.” Current (9 April 2024).
- “On Advice for Potential Graduate Students in the Humanities.” The Arena blog at Current (3 April 2024).
- “Review: Why Aren’t Americans Having Children?” Current (19 March 2024).
- “Is It Okay to Use Grammarly?” The Arena blog at Current (14 March 2024).
- “Spontaneous Music.” Hearth & Field (6 March 2024).
- “Why Do We Valorize Busyness?” Public Discourse (27 February 2024).
- “The Good Failures of Unplugging: Seven Months Later.” The Arena blog at Current (22 February 2024).
- “The Best Lenten Sacrifices are the Realistic Ones.” Theology of Home blog (13 February 2024).
- “Signature Drop Biscuits.” Hearth & Field (1 February 2024).
- “What to Get the Kids You Know for their Birthdays.” The Arena blog at Current (1 February 2024).
- “A Catalog of Optimism from a Day of Travel.” The Arena blog at Current (25 January 2024).
- “Could Scientists Be Close to a Potential Cure for Severe Morning Sickness?’” Institute for Family Studies blog (23 January 2024).
- “We’re HIPs, and We’re So Much Cooler than DINKs.” The Arena blog at Current (13 December 2023).
- “Reads of the Year for the HIP (Harried Intellectual Parent: 2023.” The Arena blog at Current (8 December 2023).
- “What to Get the Kids You Know for Christmas.” The Arena blog at Current (6 December 2023).
- “An Outdoor Lessons and Carols for Advent.” Hearth & Field (1 December 2023).
- “Technology in the Family Home: Add before You Subtract.” Public Discourse (27 November 2023).
- “Learning to Read in 2023.” Front Porch Republic (21 November 2023).
- “Homeschooling and the Washington Post.” Current (13 November 2023).
- “‘Living As Humans in a Machine Age’” The Arena blog at Current (24 October 2023).
- PODCAST: “Out of the Gray: A Legal History Lesson on Homeschooling,” Homeschooling Talks #122, HSLDA.org (23 October 2023).
- “Stop Trailing Your Trick-or-Treaters by Car!” Let Grow (11 October 2023).
- “Seven Suggestions for Making the Most of Apple Season (Even If You Aren’t Feeling Very Crunchy).” Hearth & Field (5 October 2023).
- “Student Suffering Must Be Met with the Liberal Arts.” Roundtable contribution on higher education, Current (20 September 2023).
- “You Really Can Just Unplug: Three Months Later.” The Arena blog at Current (15 September 2023).
- “When Teaching Children History, Embrace Imagination.” Hearth & Field (7 September 2023).
- “Honoring the Seasons of Hospitality.” Theology of Home blog (6 September 2023).
- “Letter to My Freshman Self.” The Arena blog at Current (6 September 2023).
- “Remembering Brother Jerome (A Good Teacher).” The Arena blog at Current (18 August, 2023).
- “Two Key Ways to Help Moms and Newborns Thrive.’” Institute for Family Studies blog (17 August 2023).
- “Talking to Strangers.” Hearth & Field (4 August 2023).
- “Augustine and the Bullfight.” Current (26 July 2023).
- “Is Homeschooling Abusive?” The Arena blog at Current (18 July 2023).
- “Can You Really ‘Just’ Unplug?” The Arena blog at Current (14 July 2023).
- “How Can We Build Supportive Friendships When It Feels So Hard?” Radiant (6 July 2023).
- “Many Know the Night: A Lesson from Elie Wiesel.” The Arena blog at Current (8 June 2023).
- “How and Why to Take A Cookie Ramble.” Hearth & Field (2 June 2023).
- “Reconsidering Homeschooling, Part II: Challenges and Solutions.” Current (1 June 2023).
- “Reconsidering Homeschooling, Part I: Growth and Benefits.” Current (24 May 2023).
- “A.I. Doesn’t Cause Cheating. Fear Does.” Front Porch Republic (24 May 2023).
- “Sex and Womanhood: A Person-First Approach.” The Arena blog at Current (12 May 2023).
- “Is the Homeschooling Boom Here to Stay?” Institute for Family Studies blog (3 May 2023).
- “Beginning with Birth: A Review of Jennifer Banks, Natality.” Current (3 May 2023)
- “Helen & Home.” Hearth & Field (27 April 2023).
- “Beyond Self-Care: How to Love Your Toddler Self.” Wallflower (25 April 2023).
- “Ideas in progress: Dixie Dillon Lane on parenting, homeschooling, and writing while juggling.” The Arena blog at Current (21 April 2023).
- “What I Am Reading: Lessons on Marriage from Janice Holt Giles.” The Arena blog at Current (14 April 2023).
- “How Catholics Can Create More Supportive Communities.” Radiant (10 April 2023).
- “Caledonia.” Current (10 April 2023).
- “American Parenting and the Terror of Risk.” Front Porch Republic (30 March 2023).
- “Faith, Mental Health, & Medication: Sometimes Grace Comes In A Little White Pill.” Wallflower (7 March 2023).
- “What I Am Reading: Dixie Dillon Lane.” The Arena blog at Current (3 March 2023).
- “The Hidden Seasons of Grief.” Current (1 March 2023).
- “I Wish I Were A Mountain Goat: Lessons From Harpers Ferry.” Front Porch Republic (22 February 2023).
- “Will Getting Chickens Ruin My Life? Seven Questions Answered for the Curious and Concerned.” Hearth & Field (21 February 2023).
- “Arguments Against School Choice Presume We Have Options.” Merion West (3 February 2023).
- “Seven Suggestions for the Beginning Quilter (and Anyone Else Who Feels Stressed).” Hearth & Field (3 February 2023).
- “Choosing Well in the Age of FOMO.” Wallflower, (25 January 2023).
- “In Schooling as in Life, More than Enough is Too Much.” Front Porch Republic (24 January 2023).
- “Experiencing Childbirth in Light of the Resurrection.” Radiant Magazine (19 January 2023).
- “Hard Times, Landscape, and Memory.” Front Porch Republic (6 January 2023).
- “Winter Wonder.” Hearth & Field (6 January 2023).
- “5 Ways to Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas.” Wallflower (21 December 2022).
- “A Girl, 12, Allowed to Roam in a City of 2 Million.” Let Grow (14 December 2022).
- “The Second Decade of Motherhood Comes Sooner Than You Think.” Wallflower (8 December 2022).
Hello! I have recently discovered your blog and it's lovely! I am new to blogging (Lady Bookish) and was wondering what advice you have for writing and finding a community for your work. I focus on bookish topics like literary history and such. Thanks!
Dixie, I loved your article on hospitality. It’s so interesting that you put into words what has been in my heart since my husband 3 years ago. As you write so beautifully I need to trust the seasons and honor them. Thank you again! I will definitely share this!