Tech Resistance for Introverts
And other people who would rather die than host a phone-free barn dance.

Dear Friends,
What happens when you want to cut back on your internet and other digital tech use, but you don’t have a good in-person social network available?
Worse still, what if you want to cut back but you are also an introvert — and going to some big party to make friends or, heaven forfend, actually hosting one yourself is the last thing you want to do?
You are not alone. Others have been there, including yours truly — and I have some tips for you.
Read today’s essay here:
“The Introvert’s Guide to Tech Resistance”
for the “happy in the corner” idea!Please share your perspective:
Are you an introvert, an extravert or something in between? How has this affected your relationship with tech?
What is your best tip for engaging socially in-person when all you want to do is scroll TikTok in your PJs?
Do you think my advice is realistic? What would you add?
Loved this Dixie :) As an extrovert (who is married to an introvert) I appreciate your insights and practical suggestions. Definitely a needed addition to the tech resistance conversation!
I think there's also an element of live and learn with this. I've chosen to do things I personally would run screaming from, but that I know would benefit my children/my family. And sometimes that works out and the personal sacrifice is worth it, and other times... It's March and I'm burned out and want to hide in my bed until June, and it's just too much. Irritatingly, part of the human condition is that we don't always know what is going to be right for us/our families until we not only think it through but live it through.
Also, I liked you point about not having to role-play an extrovert in order to enjoy large gatherings. My husband and I take breaks at parties and big events all the time. Even the ones we host!