Dear friends,
A couple of months ago, I asked the question, “Can You Really Just Unplug?”
I’m here today to tell you that you can (at least some of the time)!
My essay on the good but unexpected — and not altogether comfortable — results of the last three months of regular unplugging is up today at the Arena.
Click to read:
“You Really Can Just Unplug: Three Months Later”
Have you been unplugging? How is it going for you? Have you had any unexpected results?
I love this. I feel the "It robbed me of my hiding place." Oof. I needed to read that today.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot since you mentioned it earlier this year. And then I listened to the podcast with Tsh talking about dumb phones. And I think what it boils down to is that my phone is like a security blanket and I use it to escape things - even if the things I’m using aren’t necessarily bad. It’s like how I used to bake banana bread when I had a school essay to write and then I’d be doing it at 4 AM before it was due. I think i could solve the logistical issues pretty easily, the underlying emotional ones are the ones that are hard. And yet I know that I never regret doing the work. It’s easy to make excuses when I’m tired.
I have a feeling that I’ll just end up writing down some rules for myself and then publishing them so I have to do them 😅😂